Trump is still resisting to the election results

The call by President Trump on Saturday to Georgia’s secretary of state raised the prospect that Mr. Trump may have violated laws that prohibit interference in federal or state elections, but lawyers said on Sunday that it would be difficult to pursue such a charge. The recording of the conversationbetween Mr. Trump and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger of Georgia, first reported by The Washington Post, led a number of election and criminal defense lawyers to conclude that by pressuring Mr. Raffensperger to “find” the votes he would need to reverse the election outcome…


Rwanda set a good example that other regional countries should follow- Minister Marie-Noëlle Koyara

By400 quickly agreeing to help and sending troops to help the Central African Republic’s national army battle rebels, and save lives, Rwanda set a good example that other regional countries should follow. Marie-Noëlle Koyara, the CAR’s Minister of National Defence and Army Reconstruction, noted this Sunday, December 3, during an interview with journalists at her offices in the capital, Bangui. Koyara again used the occasion to thank the people, government of Rwanda and President Paul Kagame “for understanding that it was necessary” to save the people of her country from…


Bangui: Rwanda National Police developed a project of clean water to the citizen

December 2019, Rwanda Formed Police Unit-One (RWAFPU-1) contingent serving under the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) developed a project to address the shortage of clean water in the capital Bangui. The implementation of the MINUSCA funded project worth US$50,000 was rolled out in July 2020 to construct boreholes in one of the most affected areas of Ngongonon Two, Ngongonon Four and Galabadja Four, all in the 8th Arrondissement. The clean water project was developed under the mandate of “protection of civilians.” Today, beneficiaries attest…


Four protectors of friendship pact were awarded.

President Kagame  made the call last night while speaking at a Unity Club Dinner in Kigali where four protectors of friendship pact (Abarinzi b’Igihango) were awarded for their outstanding acts of courage and humanity displayed during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. One of the awards’ recipients at yesterday’s dinner, Catholic Bishop at Gikongoro Diocese Célestin Hakizimana, said that it’s thanks to God that he is today called a protector of friendship pact. “We have accepted the awards we got even if we don’t deserve them. Given the extent of…


Ancient DNA reveals role of Near East and Egypt in cat domestication

DNA found at archaeological sites reveals that the origins of our domestic cat are in the Near East and ancient Egypt. Cats were domesticated by the first farmers some 10,000 years ago. They later spread across Europe and other parts of the world via trade hub Egypt. The DNA analysis also revealed that most of these ancient cats had stripes: spotted cats were uncommon until the Middle Ages.Five subspecies of the wildcat Felis silvestris are known today. All skeletons look exactly alike (…) DNA found at archaeological sites reveals that the…


Praesent ornare luctus quam

Praesent ornare luctus quam, eget posuere augue semper sit amet. Ut orci dolor, convallis vel nibh sit amet, mollis dictum nunc. Fusce et nulla eu eros accumsan fermentum sed eu turpis. Fusce consectetur cursus erat, sit amet mollis diam dapibus tempus. Curabitur risus tellus, lobortis vitae rutrum dapibus, aliquam sed leo. Aliquam turpis magna, egestas sed dolor eu, pulvinar sollicitudin mi. Aliquam ut risus mollis, tempus felis eu, facilisis arcu. Vivamus tincidunt pulvinar augue, sit amet tempus purus pharetra ac. Quisque eu ante tortor. Morbi ultrices eros vel nisl pulvinar…


Sed sagittis risus

Sed sagittis risus et diam feugiat tristique. Sed cursus malesuada ex ut tempus. Maecenas turpis arcu, scelerisque sit amet diam suscipit, convallis tincidunt velit. Aliquam id faucibus arcu, et pulvinar sem. Nunc eget efficitur nisi. Ut quis ligula nec ipsum tincidunt condimentum. Aliquam quis augue commodo, semper nulla ac, volutpat orci. Nam vitae libero finibus, porta est in, posuere elit. Phasellus sit amet magna sem. Mauris in diam at ipsum dictum scelerisque. Aenean imperdiet ut massa nec pretium. Sed ut sollicitudin mi, sit amet tristique sem. Etiam congue nec enim…


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nec justo quis leo malesuada volutpat id eget lacus. Cras rhoncus sem ante. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus dignissim rutrum tincidunt. Etiam tempor luctus elit eget tempus. Integer vehicula libero at lorem elementum sodales. Duis non blandit erat. Sed enim eros, laoreet et neque sollicitudin, rutrum placerat risus. Cras tempor sodales odio, imperdiet auctor erat pulvinar et. Nulla efficitur luctus ultrices. Etiam sed vestibulum eros. Nulla tempus euismod tortor eget interdum. Vestibulum in…