Mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of who they are, their age, background, abilities, or lifestyle. We are about to highlight some things you may not know about mental health. Many mental health issues are not necessarily severe or long-lasting. Often, when mental health is mentioned, people immediately think of serious mental illnesses. However, mental health can be seen as a state where someone was doing well and then started developing various conditions. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which an…
SOMA INKURUCategory: Health
Current Situation of HIV/AIDS in Rwanda
Rwanda has made remarkable progress in combating HIV/AIDS over the past few decades. As of 2024, the country continues to strengthen its response to the epidemic, focusing on prevention, treatment, care, and support for those living with HIV. Despite these advancements, challenges remain, and ongoing efforts are crucial to maintaining and furthering the gains made so far. HIV Prevalence in Rwanda The prevalence of HIV in Rwanda is relatively low compared to other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. According to the Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC), the national HIV prevalence rate stands…
SOMA INKURUOMS confirme que l’utilisation du téléphone mobile n’augmente pas le risque de cancer du cerveau
Une étude approfondie commandée par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a conclu que l’utilisation du téléphone mobile n’augmente pas le risque de cancer du cerveau. Cette recherche, l’une des plus grandes et des plus complètes jamais réalisées sur le sujet, apporte une grande tranquillité d’esprit à des millions d’utilisateurs de téléphones mobiles dans le monde entier. L’étude a analysé des données provenant de plusieurs pays, en examinant les habitudes d’utilisation à long terme des téléphones mobiles et leur lien potentiel avec le cancer du cerveau. Elle a impliqué un…
SOMA INKURUSituation Actuelle de l’Épidémie de Mpox au Rwanda: Mesures et Prévention
Le Rwanda est en état d’alerte face à la propagation du virus Mpox (connu sous le nom de variole du singe). Les autorités sanitaires du pays ont intensifié les efforts pour surveiller et contrôler la situation, après avoir signalé plusieurs cas confirmés au cours des derniers mois. Le ministère de la Santé a lancé une campagne de sensibilisation visant à informer la population sur les symptômes de la maladie, les modes de transmission, ainsi que les mesures de prévention. Les symptômes courants de Mpox incluent des éruptions cutanées, de la…
SOMA INKURUDRC Launches Monkeypox Vaccination Campaign Amid Rising Cases
BY TUYISHIME Eric The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has launched a widespread vaccination campaign to combat the recent surge in monkeypox cases. The campaign comes in response to the country’s increasing number of infections, with health authorities aiming to protect vulnerable populations and curb the virus’s spread. Monkeypox, a viral disease that has been spreading in several parts of Africa, presents symptoms similar to smallpox, including fever, rash, and swollen lymph nodes. In the DRC, it has been a public health concern for years, but recent outbreaks have…
SOMA INKURULe Monkeypox reste une préoccupation majeure dans plusieurs régions du monde
En août 2024, l’épidémie de monkeypox continue de poser des défis importants dans plusieurs régions du monde. L’organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a récemment réaffirmé que le monkeypox représente une urgence de santé publique de portée internationale. Ce statut a été renforcé par l’augmentation rapide des cas, particulièrement en Afrique, où le virus a provoqué plus de 500 décès en 2024. La RDC est actuellement l’un des foyers les plus touchés par l’épidémie de monkeypox. Dans la capitale, Kinshasa, le gouvernement provincial a décidé de renforcer la lutte contre…
SOMA INKURUHIV-related stigma decreases in Rwanda – report
)A study carried out by UNAIDS in July shows that in countries like Rwanda, the percentage of people holding discriminatory attitudes toward individuals living with HIV has significantly decreased, now hovering around or below 10%. Simeon Tuyishime, Director of the HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Unit at the Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC), attributes this decline in HIV-related stigma to several key factors. “Through psychosocial support and counseling provided during each clinic visit, along with mental health screenings every six months, healthcare providers can identify individuals experiencing self-stigma or facing external discrimination.…
SOMA INKURURwanda, Egypt ink deal to support modern heart centre in Kigali
Rwandan and Egyptian officials on Monday, August 12, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the supply of medical equipment and devices for the MY Rwanda-Egypt Heart Care Centre, a state-of-the-art facility under construction in Kigali’s burgeoning medical hub in Masaka, Kicukiro District. The $20 million heart care facility, whose construction began in 2021, is expected to be completed in 2025. Once complete, the centre will be the first of its kind in Central Africa, according to officials. The agreement signed by Rwandan Food and Drugs Authority (Rwanda FDA) and the…
SOMA INKURURwanda to export plasma in strategic medical move
Rwanda is set to export plasma as the country seeks to address the cost it incurs on the production and disposal of excess amounts of this blood component, as well as get derived medicinal products for the patients in need of them at a relatively lower price, it has emerged. The sale of plasma is provided for in a Ministerial Order of July 11, 2024, on modalities for the use of the human body, organs, tissues, cells and products of the human body, which was published in the Official Gazette,…
SOMA INKURUAll 2023 kidney transplants successfully performed locally
Since the launch of kidney transplant services in Rwanda last year, all 32 recorded cases requiring such surgeries have been successfully handled within the country, Dr. Sabin Nsanzimana, the Minister of Health. Introduced in May last year, the services are provided at King Faisal Hospital (KFH). The program began with three living donor kidney transplants in the same month, marking a significant milestone in the government’s efforts to reduce expensive medical referrals abroad. Prior to the introduction of these services, the government had referred close to 70 patients to other…