On Sunday, July 28, Rwanda will join the rest of the world to mark World Hepatitis Day, raising awareness about viral hepatitis, an inflammation that causes severe liver disease and cancer. There has been an increase in Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C infections and related mortalities in Rwanda. In response, the government, through the Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC), is actively conducting awareness campaigns to educate the public about these infections, their causes, prevention, and treatment options. There are five main strains of the hepatitis virus A, B, C, D, and…
SOMA INKURUCategory: Health
HIV self-testing rolled out across six varsities
In an effort to contribute to the ongoing efforts to combat the spread of HIV, Health Development Initiative (HDI) is collaborating with Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) to roll out an HIV self-testing outreach campaign across six universities nationwide. The Director of the HIV Prevention Unit at RBC, Dr Basile Ikuzo, explains that the primary goal of this campaign is to enhance awareness about HIV prevention, encourage regular testing, and disseminate information on the significance of early treatment among university students. He pointed out the significance of the campaign, relating it…
SOMA INKURU“Alarming” consumption of alcohol and e-cigarettes among adolescents, says WHO
The consumption of alcohol and electronic cigarettes among 11-15 year old is “alarming”, according to a report from the European branch of the WHO which recommends public health measures to limit access to alcoholic beverages. “The widespread use of harmful substances among children in many countries in the European region – and beyond – poses a serious threat to public health,” warned the regional director of the World Health Organization (WHO ) Hans Kluge, quoted in a press release. In particular, he calls for increasing taxes, limiting points of sale…
SOMA INKURUUne “pauvreté alimentaire sévère” touche plus d’un quart des enfant de moins de 5 ans sur la planète
Plus de 180 millions d’enfants de moins de cinq ans souffrent d’une “pauvreté alimentaire sévère”, selon un rapport de l’Unicef publié mercredi. Ce phénomène se concentre dans 20 pays, avec des situations particulièrement préoccupantes en Somalie, en Guinée, en Guinée-Bissau ou encore en Afghanistan. Plus d’un enfant de moins de 5 ans sur quatre dans le monde vit dans une “pauvreté alimentaire sévère”, soit plus de 180 millions d’enfants qui risquent des séquelles graves faute d’une alimentation nutritive et diversifiée, alerte le Fonds des Nations unies pour l’enfance (Unicef) dans un rapport…
SOMA INKURURSSB to launch Rwf30bn equity investment facility for SMEs
Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) is set to launch a Rwf30 billion equity investment facility for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in a move to address the financing gap to growth and scalability. The development was announced by Regis Rugemanshuro, the chief executive of RSSB, who indicated that the proposed Fund will be domiciled and operate in Rwanda. He said the target is to launch it before the end of 2024. “If we were only looking for returns, there are many funds that are already doing that,” he said, noting…
SOMA INKURUUn deuxième décès lié au choléra à Mayotte
Une femme de 62 ans est décédée samedi à Mamoudzou du choléra, portant à deux le nombre de morts liés à cette maladie à Mayotte, a annoncé dimanche l’Agence régionale de santé (ARS). La femme est décédée “à son domicile sur les hauteurs du quartier de Cavani, à Mamoudzou”, a précisé l’ARS dans un communiqué. “En application du protocole de lutte contre le choléra, les équipes d’intervention se sont rendues sur place afin de procéder à la désinfection du foyer et à la prise en charge de l’entourage de la…
SOMA INKURUSobanukirwa kurushaho n’indwara y’angine n’uko wayirinda
Angine ni indwara yo kubyimba no kubabara mu muhogo mu gace k’akamironko (pharynx) bitewe na mikorobi. Izi mikorobi zitera angine zirimo amoko 2 hari angine iterwa na virusi hakabaho na angine iterwa na bagiteri. Gusa angine itewe na virusi niyo ifata abantu benshi aho ifata hagati ya 50% na 90% by’abarwayi bayo. Iyi ndwara yibasira cyane cyane abakiri bato gusa n’abakuze barayirwara.Angine itewe na bagiteri iterwa na mikorobi yitwa streptocoque (soma sitireputokoke) ikaba yibasira cyane abantu barengeje imyaka 3. Iyatewe na virusi itandukanye n’iyatewe na bagiteri. Angine ivurwa ite? Nk’uko…
SOMA INKURUThe miraculous benefit of selenium micronutrient against HIV and SARS-COV-2
Selenium is a micronutrient that is found in our bodies in small amounts but plays a supporting role in regulating the body’s immune system, fight inflammation, reduce intravascular coagulation, support detoxification and fight viral replication. Selenium works by inhibiting a protein found in the cytoplasm called Nuclear-factor kappa-B (NF-kB). When NF-kB is released from its inhibitor I-kB, it increases both inflammation and viral replication. With the help of sufficient selenium naturally, cells lock it safely away in the cytoplasm to prevent it from causing these two negative effects that occur…
SOMA INKURUMayotte : 65 cas de choléra recensés, mais une épidémie “sous contrôle”
65 personnes, dont une fillette de trois ans décédée mercredi, ont été touchées par le choléra – à ce jour – à Mayotte. L’information a été relayée vendredi par le ministre chargé de la Santé Frédéric Valletoux, en déplacement sur l’île. Il assure toutefois que l’épidémie est “sous contrôle”, 3 700 personnes ayant pour l’instant été vaccinées. L’épidémie de choléra à Mayotte a touché pour le moment 65 personnes, dont une fillette de trois ans décédée mercredi, a annoncé vendredi le ministre chargé de la Santé Frédéric Valletoux, en déplacement sur l’île, où 3…
SOMA INKURUKayonza: Basobanukiwe inyungu zo kwipimishiriza ku gihe
Mu Rwanda Abana bavuka ku bagore banduye virusi itera SIDA batangira gukurikiranwa bakibatwite, bavuka, babonsa kugeza bujuje imyaka 2, muri aba bana abasanganwa virusi itera SIDA ni 1 %, mu gihe 99% bo nta virusi itera SIDA babasangamo. Iri shyirwa mu bikorwa ry’iyi gahunda ni umusaruro w’imyumvire iri hejuru yo kuyoboka kwipimisha mu gihe umubyeyi yamenye ko yasamye hagamijwe kwirinda ko umubyeyi yakwanduza umwana virusi itera SIDA, yanashimangiwe n’ababyeyi banyuranye bo mu mirenge y’akarere ka Kayonza. Umurerwa Donata, ufite imyaka 19, atuye mu karere ka Kayonza, umurenge wa Nyamirama, atwite…